Engine Process

From Here

Royal Kustoms Process

To here:

Royal Kustoms Process

And beyond...

The following is an example of a typical fresh engine build which can be tailored to suit individual budgetary or performance requirements.

All of our freshly built engines are stripped & dipped before the inside is coated with Glyptal.

All of our freshly built engines are stripped & dipped before the inside is coated with Glyptal.

French Flathead engine blocks have the boss removed from the back of the block where clearances may be an issue (and/or to improve the look).

French Flathead engine blocks have the boss removed from the back of the block where clearances may be an issue (&/or to improve the look).

All rough casting on the outside of the block is then removed, before being etch primed & painted.


Next we move on to the dry install:

  • checking all bearing clearances
  • weighting valve springs individually
  • complete engine balancing (pistons, rods & rotating assembly)
  • lighten the flywheel

Then all machining gets done:

  • custom port
  • polish & relieving
  • port matching
  • 3 angle valve job
  • 1.6 valve seats
  • boring
  • valley drilled
  • girdle with align bore (if required)

Then we strip it all down again for the final installation, in which all bearings are coated with assembly lube, & all new gaskets fitted before the engine goes onto the test stand.

Once on the test stand all engines have 5 hours running in time.

During which time engines are connected to the data acquisition computer in order to set up the carbs (re-jet) for the perfect air/fuel mixture ratio, the distributor timing & advance curve is set & heads are re-torqued.

They are run for 2 hours with running in oil, which is then drained and refilled with Miller 20/50w classic racing oil for the remaining 3 hours run time.

When customers take delivery of an engine they receive a full data sheet.


Contact us for a full price list & specifications

Royal Kustoms Flathead Emporium